Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Safety in numbers

Safety in numbers theory: Make everyone around you murder whoever they want, and make murder less immoral! So when you murder and are in court, the jury is as guilty as the defendant; the jury and the judge will be more lenient.
We've all sinned so sin is good?

I've seen on an old poster for Gladiator, "The things we do, echo into enternity", or something on those lines.

What we do has consequences.

Industry is out to make money. If they can use and abuse a human weakness, they will.
The most expensive things in life are the luxuries; yet the most worthwhile things, I find, are the necessities.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Film | Q&A: Movie downloading


Blogger ec said...

Where in England?

8:17 pm  
Blogger gn0 said...

Near Birmingham, Coventry etc.
(I've sent you an email to)

6:38 pm  

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