Evil-ution or E-love-ution?
It's been a long-long time since I wrote a message on me blog, but blog it, I thought I might today!
Soooo.. Evolution or Creation-ilizm!
*Clear throwt*
1) Stop argueing! (especially the creationalists who are Christian) *Slap!*
2) Evolutionalists and Creationalists, please gather round my bible..
:).. Lets look at what God says *Tim says while turning the page slowly infront of the warm fire, while also re-positioning his cravat*..
Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.". The first thing you must ask yourself is "What on Earth is God talking about?"
The answer lies in the fact that in the first verse of the bible, there are two things God creates.. A heaven and an earth. Bargain! Heaven (spiritual), and an Earth (physical).
Q-Wuality! :D
Right.. now we have got this sorted.. moving swiftly on, as I'm getting bored and need quickness into the depths of this..
Gen 1:20 "And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.' ".
Evolutionists, what did Dinosaurs evolve into? Birds, yes, that is correct! And they came from squirty-like-ameoba things? Interesting!
*Mini-interlude with song and dance!*
3) Poetry and a Scientist! Often in the bible God will use words that 'mean' things and sometimes uses words for factual reference. You have to decrypt it, and not to what you want it to say but what it should say! But don't let this harden your heart. Understand that God is full of love, not hate; but God does hate evil, will make it obvious to you, in all it's forms, not to spoil your day, but actually make it better! :) (aaaand shows you the cool things you can do instead!!!)
*Ya man.. big-up de area!*
4) There are Christian Scientists out there! Why? Well, you see.. God doesn't always like to give us the full explaination. He actually likes us to 'seek' and to 'find' and to 'knock on the door' for things. He also knows that without 'knowledge and wisdom', people perish! (wisdom, of course, being useful knowledge that we can apply to life itself)
5) God wrote 2 chapters on creation (as far as I know) and maybe a few verses eslewhere. He's not going to go in-depth with quantum physics ("So Moses.. You got that?.. No, strange and charm!.. Nevermind, just put dust!", btw that is a joke, copyright of myself and allowed by God, not to be taken literally as God, more as me).
6) God talks more about humans (and our sin) and the Spiritual vibe, and His love He has for us! Also His love for us goes deep enough that the actual payment for our sin (bad vibes/doings) has been paid for, we just need to believe, receive and spread/follow (please see Jesus, about death and how he rose from it).
7) In my humble opinion, Evolution is a method, like progression. It doesn't hold any true meaning. It concludes with no point/reason!
Kid: "Why is the sky blue?"
Scientist: "Because of the Ozone and the light shining through etc."
Kid: "Yeh but why blue?"
Scientist: "Because that's the frequency of light, and our eyes see blue!"
Kid: "Yeh but why should it be blue?"
This conversation could go on for aaages, until the Scientist says "I dunno!", or throws out random theories.
At the end of the day (hehe! Notice my over-use of the word 'day' to highlight the previous use of 'day' in the bible), I personally conclude, God is the system creator. There is a reason for it!.. Love. That love can mute/destroy/overcome,etc. anything and nothingness!
btw love here denotes the true pure vibe, and not that smutty stuff you know of when two people randomly and without thought, 'get-it-on'! Love is greater than sex. Sex without love is potent poison. Love needs personal trust, personal faithfulness, personal commitment, Gods blessing, God's guidance and God's support (i.e. True Marridge!).
I hope you like my lesson. Homework will be to boogy-on-down to the cool waters God provides, in bible, chillin-with-me-bredrin-n-sistas (church), and talking to God (1 on 1).
Note* this is a post for today, and some content and personal beliefs which might be wrong/change. This can be due to many things, but I hope it's God led.
Truth will always stand, no matter what; but opinions based on lies will fall, everytime, in time.
It's been a long-long time since I wrote a message on me blog, but blog it, I thought I might today!
Soooo.. Evolution or Creation-ilizm!
*Clear throwt*
1) Stop argueing! (especially the creationalists who are Christian) *Slap!*
2) Evolutionalists and Creationalists, please gather round my bible..
:).. Lets look at what God says *Tim says while turning the page slowly infront of the warm fire, while also re-positioning his cravat*..
Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.". The first thing you must ask yourself is "What on Earth is God talking about?"
The answer lies in the fact that in the first verse of the bible, there are two things God creates.. A heaven and an earth. Bargain! Heaven (spiritual), and an Earth (physical).
Q-Wuality! :D
Right.. now we have got this sorted.. moving swiftly on, as I'm getting bored and need quickness into the depths of this..
Gen 1:20 "And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.' ".
Evolutionists, what did Dinosaurs evolve into? Birds, yes, that is correct! And they came from squirty-like-ameoba things? Interesting!
*Mini-interlude with song and dance!*
3) Poetry and a Scientist! Often in the bible God will use words that 'mean' things and sometimes uses words for factual reference. You have to decrypt it, and not to what you want it to say but what it should say! But don't let this harden your heart. Understand that God is full of love, not hate; but God does hate evil, will make it obvious to you, in all it's forms, not to spoil your day, but actually make it better! :) (aaaand shows you the cool things you can do instead!!!)
*Ya man.. big-up de area!*
4) There are Christian Scientists out there! Why? Well, you see.. God doesn't always like to give us the full explaination. He actually likes us to 'seek' and to 'find' and to 'knock on the door' for things. He also knows that without 'knowledge and wisdom', people perish! (wisdom, of course, being useful knowledge that we can apply to life itself)
5) God wrote 2 chapters on creation (as far as I know) and maybe a few verses eslewhere. He's not going to go in-depth with quantum physics ("So Moses.. You got that?.. No, strange and charm!.. Nevermind, just put dust!", btw that is a joke, copyright of myself and allowed by God, not to be taken literally as God, more as me).
6) God talks more about humans (and our sin) and the Spiritual vibe, and His love He has for us! Also His love for us goes deep enough that the actual payment for our sin (bad vibes/doings) has been paid for, we just need to believe, receive and spread/follow (please see Jesus, about death and how he rose from it).
7) In my humble opinion, Evolution is a method, like progression. It doesn't hold any true meaning. It concludes with no point/reason!
Kid: "Why is the sky blue?"
Scientist: "Because of the Ozone and the light shining through etc."
Kid: "Yeh but why blue?"
Scientist: "Because that's the frequency of light, and our eyes see blue!"
Kid: "Yeh but why should it be blue?"
This conversation could go on for aaages, until the Scientist says "I dunno!", or throws out random theories.
At the end of the day (hehe! Notice my over-use of the word 'day' to highlight the previous use of 'day' in the bible), I personally conclude, God is the system creator. There is a reason for it!.. Love. That love can mute/destroy/overcome,etc. anything and nothingness!
btw love here denotes the true pure vibe, and not that smutty stuff you know of when two people randomly and without thought, 'get-it-on'! Love is greater than sex. Sex without love is potent poison. Love needs personal trust, personal faithfulness, personal commitment, Gods blessing, God's guidance and God's support (i.e. True Marridge!).
I hope you like my lesson. Homework will be to boogy-on-down to the cool waters God provides, in bible, chillin-with-me-bredrin-n-sistas (church), and talking to God (1 on 1).
Note* this is a post for today, and some content and personal beliefs which might be wrong/change. This can be due to many things, but I hope it's God led.
Truth will always stand, no matter what; but opinions based on lies will fall, everytime, in time.
Very good, I like that a lot - and agree with the points made.
Mind you we have given the creation heavy discussion in the past - and I've definitely found a middle ground in my understanding from that.
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